Ri-formare il sociale is an educational empowerment training course about social entrepreneurialship and third sector in southern Italy.


Nowadays it was registered an increase of social entreprises and third sector organisation in Southern Italy.

The extraordinary rising and creativity, that characterize the phenomenon is typical from southern Italy, are being put at risk if the bodies and the experts don’t find the right tools to make their organisation sustainable and strong suitable for pursuing social innovation and capable to generate incomes and employement.

From this idea we have developed STEP AHEAD. Ri-formare il Socialean educational training course that enhance entrepreneurial social workers’ management skills in order to face challenges at their best, learning how to activate strategies to maximalize positive impact in their services.

Step Ahead 2022 edition it’s organised in cooperation with Villa Fernandes: un bene comune, progetto sostenuto da Fondazione CON IL SUD with Fondazione Peppino Vismara and thanks to the contribution of #DialogueInn cofunded within the scope of POR FESR 2014/2020 della Regione Campania, Asse 3- Obiettivo Specifico 3.7 – Azione 3.7.1, EU funds of Por Campania FESR dello Stato italiano and Regione Campania.


STEP AHEAD. Ri-formare il Sociale it aims to third sector and social entrepreneurship social workers, volounteers, associates, managers; to students, freelancers and policy makers who want to know more and use their skills to make the difference in social economy sector and for the common good.


STEP AHEAD. Ri-formare il Sociale it is an educational course that enable social economy organisations to manage entrepreneurial projects and activities and better understand bureaucratic practices, acquire skills in the strategic-financial, digital fields.

STEP AHEAD addresses social workers in Southern Italy
Our southern roots, ten years experience, and a point of view specifically set on the South of our country, will allow us to add to our educational offer a non-formal capability to tackle problematic contexts characterized by reducted economical-financial willingness and sometimes by complicated connections with public administration


The course il last 3months from march to may 2022, and will be articulated in 4 8hours modules divided into 2 lessons.


Terzo settore ed enti pubblici: istruzioni per co-programmare e co-progettare

March 15th and 22nd


Flaviano Zandonai

Ilaria Vitellio

Riforma del Terzo settore (art. 55) has cleared the way forward to the fullfilment of a sinergy and subsidiarity between Public Administration, private and social. In depht analysis of the regulations and the tools to work together, from needs analysis to the programmes generation and more effective projects, to the managing of the actions, for the purpose of strenghten the social impact. We will reflect on how to speak a common language

Download the programme-15th march lesson

Download the programme – 22nd march lesson


May 3rd and 10th 2022 |


Antonio Bonetti

Luisa De Amicis

European Union offers differents funding opportunities for non-profit bodies that want to innovate themselves. We will give a concise picture of the new 2021-2027 programme and we will enhance the New Social Agenda, Next Generation EU, Nuova programmazione nazionale e regionale and the most important tools in southern Italy We will examinate necessary elements to plan, like tools, presentation modalities and project managing

Download the programme– May 3rd lesson

Download the programme – May 10th lesson

Social finance

April 19th and 26th 2022


Giuseppe Ambrosio

Marco Traversi

Social finance or Impact finance is living a big moment in third sector debate. How will social enterprises finance themselves? Which tools are the ones necessary to achieve a stable development and efficiency?

Download the programme – April19th lesson

Download the programme – 26th April

Brand Identity e Visual Storytelling

May 16th and 20th 2022


Davide D’Errico

The module offers knowledge about the developend of someone’s own brand and the most important brandig strategies. We will analyse case studies visual storytelling campaigns from the most important national brands. We will see how the personal branding is used in maketing campaigns online and offline. We will create an example of brand for your project.

Download the programme

the course

From march 15th to may 20th 2022

STEP AHEAD. Ri-formare il Sociale

4 modules 2 lessons each:

  • March 15th and 22nd 2022, Terzo settore ed enti pubblici: istruzioni per co-programmare e co-progettare
  • April 19th and 26th 2022, Finanza sociale
  • May 3th and 10th 2022, Progettazione europea
  • May 16th and 20th 2022, Brand Identity e Visual Storytelling


How the course will work

The course will be in person at Villa Fernandes, via A. Diaz 144 – Portici (Na).

It is divided in four8 hours modules each There will be 2 lesson of 4 hours each on Tuesday from 4pn to 8pm.

The lessons will be lead by one or more long-time experienced tutors, however a facilitator of Project Ahead team will be there.

Green pass mandatory

How to interact
It will be alternated moments of lectures and group practical learning to engage a discussion and experiment

How to apply

The course is completely free.To apply to one or more modules you have to register on Eventbrite and click on the button “Iscriviti” of the chosen module or choose the entire course and fill the form.

When you will apply, you will receive a confirmation email

For every technical inconvinience please contatc us at segreteria@pja2001.eu or call us 081 412404