What is it?
Real Connection is a project developed in Campania to fight bullying and cyberbullying phenomena through integrated action, generated by three different perspectives.

Psychological perspective taken on thanks to the creation of a help line guided by a psychologists and counselors team online and offline.

Educational perspective that becomes concrete through focus group.

Socialization perspective experienced as volunteering opportunities and meetings to learn to become active citizens.
Who is it for?
Real connection is dedicated to teenagers, social workers, teachers and everyone needs psychological and educational support, information exchange, experiences and best practice about the phenomenon.
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Help line

Associazione Dream Team Donne in rete
Via G. Galilei n. 5 – Napoli
+39 081 048 9241
Tuesday from 3.00 to 5.00 PM

Centro Giovani Agorà
Via A. Diaz n. 134 – Portici (NA)
334 7570475
Wednesday fom 5.00 to 8.00 PM
Video Contest #RealConnection
Do you want to tell us what are bullying and cyberbullying and how you to fight against them? Do you think that social media can spread positive messages and that can prevent bullying? Partecipate to Real Connection Video contest, don’t hush!

The project is funded by Regione Campania through government resources of the Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali -ID n.94 – Real Connection.