Pathways for the integration of young refugees and university students

The This Must be the Place project was funded by Action Aid, with the general objective of experimenting with an innovative model of inclusion and integration of migrants and refugees in port society.

The specific objectives of the initiative were: to encourage the integration process of a group of young people leaving the SPRAR in Naples through discussion and relations with university peers, a prerequisite for active participation in the social and civil life of the city; promoting respect for the rights to study and housing of applicants for international protection and refugees leaving the SPRAR.

The project led the recipients to implement the spaces of intercultural dialogue, social networks, opportunities for access to the training and work system, to social life.

Project Ahead has carried out co-design activities for the implementation paths, making its spaces and experience available to the project activities within the incubation path of startups of young migrants and young Italians.




Action Aid


  • Action Aid
  • Less-Onlus
  • University of Naples Federico II – Department of Social Sciences
  • Traparentesi Onlus
  • Municipality of Naples