Training for Facilitators on Social Innovation: the new online You SI Net Reload course BLOG, Projects, Social innovationBy pjasocial25 September 2024E-learning for Youth workers
Digital Storytelling: Online Info Session BLOG, Projects, Social innovationBy pjasocial6 September 2024You Si Net Reload Project
CHESS project flights to Athens BLOG, ProjectsBy pjasocial18 March 2024Learning session on social innovation
Eye Open Day for Erasmus entrepreneurs BLOG, Events, ProjectsBy pjasocial14 February 2024Open day at Dialogue Place
You SI Net: Opportunity alert for Social Entrepreneurs BLOG, Projects, Social innovationBy pjasocial5 February 2024Survey
EYE Infoday, event for entrepreneurs BLOG, Events, ProjectsBy pjasocial23 January 2024Infoday dedicated to Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.
CHESS kicks off: Change Hubs for Ecosystemic Social Solutions BLOGBy pjasocial21 February 2023Knowledge transfer